Back from spending a day with wen qi, pam-me-lar and her cute sister. *to wen qi: samantha loves me lol*
*to pam: your sister damn cute lar, but very teh also lei .. haha*
Wondered around town, nearly went to tonkichi to eat but ended up at Sushi Teh. Ate good food and poor sam who thought we were talking about her and ignored us for the uptempth time. Had great fun and talk. Walked around Taka with a lollipop in hand, compliments of Jen San. Pam, next time bring your sister again, then i'll get another free lollipop again lol.
Managed to get her sister to get this bag at $10+ which is way cheaper than the $30+ that she wanted. Found out that i'm little sam's idol. Whatever did i do to get that honour, i have no idea. Poor wen qi though, keep getting dao-ed by sam.
Walked around before heading to coffee bean to eat drink and slack. Disturbed sam causing her to 'cry' again but all was well after i came out to the toilet. Kids, you'll never know what's on their mind.
Cocca lunch date next week. Cant wait. Pam bring sam along again k? lol.
Shall head to shower before i type incoherently. Ciaos
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