my blog =]

Monday, October 03, 2005

Feeling so dead now, then again i cant seem to feel much with my left hand and legs. Totally bushed this weekend.

Was quite zombie while working on sat, didnt help that i was alone in front again. Sucky. Had some nice customers but still it didn't really improve my mood. No thanks to my dear brother who woke me up so early to borrow money from me to bring his girlfriend out, but at least now he's giving me $50 instead of $20 monthly =].

Work yesterday was freaking tiring *cries*. Okay so my chinese top was one of the nicest and easiest costumes and it came in red which completes my red hair and red specs but couldnt they have more sense in letting us do up the table and chairs and settings in our comfortable clothes before wearing our various costumes. Was pratically bathing in sweat when we were halfway done.

1100 guest in all. Never seen so many people crowd in such a small area and i guess tourist are just as kiasu as we are. Did cocktail service which was like so darn tiring. Had to carry so many trays of drinks, 5-6 glasses each time. My hand was devoid of feelings halfway. We could touch our noses and feel nothing. Didnt help that i had rushed down from dance with such vigorous workout. Shag.

The dinner itself was ok, actually it can be quite romantic to have a dinner there. Had to take care of 2 table but mainly served one as they kept asking for wine. 4 bottles in total, ks or wat.

Damn those who are paid to look pretty. Hey i'll look even prettier than you if i was given that job. Had a tray of 10 wine glasses and while waiting for my juice just happily take a few and walk off after saying thank you. Oei not cocktail service le hor take you own drinks man. We queue there to get drinks of the guest on our table not for you to 'steal' while we are waiting for other orders. So smart carry the tray with 10 glasses after doing all that cocktail service lar.

Btw... wed dinner is still on, will be at marche ... pls meet at orchard mrt by 630

Should i go for dance later?


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