Woots, i'm not the first out today. Even took the trouble to write slowly and 1 qn a page resulting in me using 2 booklets. Oops.
Not funny lei, everyone keeps asking me what time i'll be out, telling me not to write so fast and banning me from going out before 40 minutes is up. Dang.
Mid sem is over =] but alas our projects are not.
Had fun today though. Had lunch at Tonkichi with Pams, Ding, Althea, Alvin, Zifu, Shao and Peacock. So unlikely that we'll go out together but somehow we just couldnt stop laughing. Seems that we could be heard from all the way in front, man that's loud. LOL.
Glad to see fellow ex-collegues once again. Many thanks to Garrick San who treated us to potato salad, spinach and potato coroquette.
Headed to Cine to catch Perhaps Love with Pams and Ding. It's quite nice i must say but can be quite draggy. It made me feel as if it'll never end and frankly tired sitting down for so long. Didnt help that i had irritating people behind me who kept hitting the chair while moving his leg. Back to the show, it could have been more interesting if it were more musical style. Can be quite confusing at the start too.
Anyway do read James Patterson's London Bridge. (decided to recommend books from now on =]). As usual, his books never fail to capture my attention. A little more on the storyline:
The guy behind all the trouble is dubbed 'Wolf' who infact evacuated a city before blowing it up in flames. He sent this guy 'Weasel' to do the job and made sure that he's seen so that the police and Alex Cross, the detective would have some 'leads'. Anyway, 'Wolf' demands ransom and the release of many Al Queda terrorist within days or he'll blow up 4 other cities.
Okay maybe i'm not doing such a good justice to this book but it's been a while since i last summarized a book especially one so thick and it's very late. Still, i do urge you guys out there to read James Patterson books and if you appreciate his works, you wont feel like stopping once you start. This coming from someone who used to despise reading, it definately wont fail you.
Shall update on Mary, Mary James Patterson's latest book soon. And hopefully i'll do it more justice.
Nights all.
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