*image worx*

*toot cheer*
Pictures are up and i made it smaller so you can either ask me for the original one or just take from my pictures link, under Jan06.
To those who added me in friendster, i think my account has some problem as it shows that i dont have any pending invites.
One year is gone, just like that and soon it'll be new year, camps, internship, and graduation. So fast!
Let's see for 2005 what have i done,
1) Finally quite work at Tonkichi
2) Helped out at Rasa's event which left a bad impression
3) Had lots of fun as the bar girl at SATS cathering
4) Became a host and got to watch many nice fashion shows at Singapore Fashion Week 2005
5) Made some mistakes which are over and done with. Some people can carry on living in their fantasy land.
6) Cooked a decent western meal from scratch for my family
7) Made numerous of new friends
8) Went out more with my friends
9) Had a birthday party =]
Hmm, i cant really think of much at the moment but over all 2005 was fine with the exception of one major mistake. Oh well.
The signs seems to be there,
but i simply dont dare,
i wonder if it's true,
or will it just be a case of deja vu?
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